Our Adopt-A-Grave Program works to preserve as many of our remaining stones as possible. Since 2017, fifteen markers have been adopted and preserved. The stones at the bottom of this page are currently up for adoption.
Feel free to explore our cemetery and find your favorite grave. We have plenty of candidates.
If you’d like an estimate for repair or have any questions, please call Amy at 804.643.0555 or use the contact button below.
Choose your stone and contact us using the info above. Please indicate the ID Number shown on the photo.
You will receive a Certificate of Adoption from our Executive Director; before and after photos of the project; and the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve helped restore Richmond’s first cemetery. You will also be listed in our Annual Newsletter as an Adopt-A-Grave donor.
Preserving the stones doesn’t mean that they will be legible if they are not already, but it does protect them from further deterioration. Our conservators use a variety of tools and products to do the work.
Consolidants attempt to slow the rate of deterioration by binding together the loose particles of the stone.
Jahn Restoration Mortars and Grouts match the relative hardness or softness of the individual substrates, so joints and repairs move with the masonry instead of fighting against it which causes more deterioration and damage. They are formulated to match the porosity of the substrate; this prevents water and salts from getting trapped in the masonry, causing further destruction from the inside out. Instead, they allow water and salt to easily move through the repair out to the surface where it evaporates or gets washed away.
The stones below are currently up for adoption.
T1000: Reset stones, drill and pin, inject with consolidant, and clean. Unidentified.
UN700: Reset stone, drill and pin, inject with consolidant, and clean. Unidentified.
A2700: Remove steel bands, reset stones, drill and pin, inject with Jahn mortar, and clean. 2 unidentified headstones, and 1 foot stone
C700: Apply consolidant and clean. In memory of MARY ANN, Who died Augt. 30, 1821, Aged 10 months and 20 days, And of WM. ARMSTRONG, Who died Oct. 11, 1829, Aged 2 years, Children of John and Rebecca McKeage.
G650: Apply consolidant and clean. In memory of WILL. CLAIBORNE, Who died Sept. 27th, 1809, Aged 61 years.
E2-675: Take apart, consolidate, inject with Jhan mortar, and clean. Unidentified.
K1-700: Pour concrete footing, clean and place upright. In memory of R.H. Taylor, son of W.H. and Gabriella Taylor, who departed this life on the 18th day of August, 1810, aged 1 year, 8 mo.
V1000: Inject with Jhan mortar and clean. Here lies the body of Elizh. Drew Spencer, daughter of Chs. Spencer, who departed this life July 30th, 1799, aged 15 months.
J3:1100 Pin, consolidate, and clean. In memory of Coranne Ann Porter, daughter of James A. Porter and Sarah, his wife, who departed this life on the 22nd of September, 1818, aged 2 years and 9 months. Sleep lovely babe And take thy Rest God Take the home He thought it best.
H2-1400: Pour concrete footing, clean, and upright stones. In memory of Sophia Westwood King, daughter of John and Helen S. King, who was born August 23rd, 181_ (this shows broken pieces of 2 different markers, the second largely illegible for George W. ____?)
B2-1200: Clean, consolidate, pin, and put back together. Jane Lester (no record)
B1-1300: Consolidate, clean, and put back together. In memory of CHARLOTTE McBRIDE, The wife of John McBride, Who was born the 16th day of March, 1785, And died the 10th of August, 1803.
L575: Clean with Orvis, inject and edge with Jhan mortar. In memory of Simon Horan, Born in Harristown. County of Kildare Ireland. he died February 5th 1817, Aged 38 years & 10 months.
E675: Inject with Jahn mortar, apply consolidant, and clean. In memory of DOROTHY BROTHERHOOD, Wife of Joshua Brotherhood, Who died Oct. 19th, 1804, Aged 29 years.
B700: Reset stone, inject with consolidant and clean. Unidentified.
PH750: Reset stones, drill and pin, inject with Jahn mortar, and clean. In memory of Mrs. SARAH, Wife of Mr. Silas Thompson, Of Cheshire, Conn., Who died March 2nd, 1818, Aged 29. Also their daughter, SARAH, Who died Feb. 10, 1818, Aged 3 weeks.
AA750: Pin, consolidate, and clean. Sacred to the memory of J.O. Whipple Mrs Whipple, Consort of.
J1250: Repair base with Jahn mortar and clean. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. CATHERINE GAMBLE, Widow of Col. Robert Gamble, Late of the City of Richmond. She died the 24th December, 1830, In the 79th year of her age. There was no wife more devoted, No friend more affectionate, No friend more true, No neighbor more kind, No Christian more pious.
H925: Reset stone, drill and pin, apply consolidant and clean. Unidentified broken marble stone.