Richard Bland College
Monday November 18, 2024
Richard Bland College Foundation Presents
Give me liberty or give me death!
with St. John’s Church Foundation Executive Director
Stephen Wilson
Free Program
Save the date for this free educational program! The Anne Dobie Peebles Forum will feature St. John's Church Foundation Executive Director Stephen Wilson. His talk will focus on the history of St. John's Church, the events that led to March 23, 1775 and Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death!" speech, a dramatic performance of the speech (in a 1700's costume), and plans to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the speech in March 2025.
The presentation will also touch on the 120 delegates who attended the Second Virginia Convention, including the namesake of Richard Bland College of William & Mary. Learn who was at St. John's Church when Patrick Henry delivered his iconic speech, and whether they were loyalists or on the side of revolution!
We hope you are able to join for this free program, and be ready to participate as a delegate during the performance, either as a loyalist or as a revolutionary.